Monday, June 22, 2015

Shamelessly Childish

This past Friday I took my brother, Jacob, to six flags for his 15th birthday. On the car ride down we listened to Imagine Dragons with the base turned all the way up while Jacob graciously organized an assortment of cards from about ten different card games. They had gotten thrown around the room while I had been babysitting an adorable three year old who was having such fun I hadn't had the heart to stop her.
I had warned Jacob that if he wanted anything at the park, he was paying for it. I was bringing a sandwich. So when we both wanted to take pictures at a Photo Booth but were unwilling to pay the price, I had a better idea. We took pictures outside the Photo Booth. I may not have been willing to pay for our own pictures, but what I wouldn't give to capture some of the looks we got! I told Jacob they were just jealous that they hadn't thought of it first, and he agreed. It sure is fun to walk to the beat of your own drum.

Speaking of which, this past Saturday when I was working in the play center at the YMCA, two young girls asked if they could play with my hair and made themselves busy turning the corner of the play center into my own personal salon. One of the girls returned with a fake stethoscope.
"I thought I was at a salon," I told her.
"And hospital. We do it all at once," she replied as if that was the only way to do it.
She listened to my heartbeat with her fake stethoscope, then frowned.
"I can hear your heartbeat," she said.
"No, not good," she replied. "That's bad."
"How is that bad?"
"It's fast. You must be having a baby."
Okay . . .
Then her friend returns with the plastic scissors and proceeds to give me an afro.
"That's a little shorter than I would like it," I told her.
"Don't worry," she says, "I'm cutting your hair longer." She pauses for a moment, then adds, "Did you know your hair smells like cookies?"

That's what I love about kids -- they don't know what's normal and they do things their own way with seemingly no shame. Often when I feel like a kid or do something particularly childish I secretly wonder whether it is because I am still questioning what normal is and why it is what it is, or because I know exactly what normal is and take a certain childish pleasure in shamelessly doing things my own way. Perhaps it's a little bit of both :)


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