Monday, February 23, 2015

Too Perfect

"You're ugly."
"You're fat."
"You're stupid."
It's easy to see the negative effects of such judgments. But what about, "You're perfect"?
"You're perfect" has come to have a much different meaning than what Christ meant when he commanded "Be ye, therefore, perfect."
We hear it all the time now in a sort of jest. "You're just too perfect."
Pride can look down, but it can also look up. So too can judgment, and "you're perfect" has become a form of judgement. It is no more a compliment than "teacher's pet."
To call someone perfect is to say they're a suck-up, a perfectionist, or that the level they have reached is unattainable. It is effectively, isolating.
The other day I was told, "Brooke, you're so perfect. You have no idea how many people look up to you."
No, I have an idea. Because when everyone is looking up at you, no one is looking at you.
I don't want to be looked up at. I want to be looked at.
I don't want to be up on a pedestal. I want to be down in the crowd, where there is someone to place their arm around me and realize, "Hey, you're human too."
Besides, when you're up on a pedestal, it's so easy to fall, and when you do people notice your stark imperfection and look down at you. But down in the crowd, everyone's imperfect. And you know what? That's okay. Because we're in this together.
We're all imperfect beings just striving to be better.


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