Tuesday, February 24, 2015

When Life Doesn't Seem Fair

Life is like a diving competition . . .

I feel that sometimes we see someone land on their back or do a belly flop and we think, "Man, they're not so great."
But perhaps our cell phone or a conversation with a fellow spectator kept us from seeing the dive. Of course we notice the flop, but for the duration of the dive our eyes were shut or otherwise averted. 
Then comes the award ceremony and up there in first place is the one who repeatedly "flopped." We then think to ourselves, "What of the diver who landed without a splash and entered the water seamlessly?" 
Well, there is something called the degree of difficulty. What we failed to take into account is that the diver who flopped was performing a forward with four and a half summersaults and back flying two and a half summersaults. And he who entered the water seamlessly? Well, he just did a forward dive. 
So next time you see someone flop, consider that maybe they had a harder dive, a harder fall. 
And when you see someone who just seems perfect, when life doesn't seem fair, think how they would do in a Backward Flying Four and a Half Summersaults . . . and know if you're struggling maybe your degree of difficulty is just a little higher. If people are laughing now, or if you're feeling down on yourself, don't worry, you're reward will come. 

So then you take a look at these guys . . . well, I'm sure they've flopped too. Was it worth it? I'll bet they'll say it was. 


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